Lucida Kit
Composite Gloss System
Lucida Kit :
– 1 Lucida Paste
– 5 Lucida Mandrels
– 70 Lucida Stars, 12-14 mm
Lucida A word that in Italian language means polished and full of light. In more than 35 years of experience in restorative dentistry, one thing that has been constantly present in our polishing protocols, is the final gloss stage with a felt wheel combined with paste to obtain a maximum and durable shine. The problem we always faced was the impossibility to autoclave the felts plus the cost and the thickness of them.
The Lucida product line is composed of Lucida Star disposable felt wheels, Lucida Mandrel autoclavable screw-on mandrels to hold the felts, and Lucida Paste for extreme gloss in combination with the felts.
An integral solution was given to all the problems faced with these high-gloss products, and not only, we had the chance of enhancing the results compared with the previously existing ones.
With Lucida Star we have solved all the problems of the conventional felt wheels on several fronts. With its unique thickness we can reach areas that were never possible before and because of their convenient price, being sold always in abundant amounts, they are truly disposable. their star shape allows them to have a desired intermittent touch and thanks to these rounded angles they acquire a variable thickness depending on the force and speed applied.
Lucida mandrels are autoclavable and with 5 of them in each kit, a mounted felt is always ready for action.
In combination with Lucida Pastea sub-micron hybrid water-soluble patented polished compound, the gloss obtained with this system is unique. Now-a-days very few polishing systems have a reliable final gloss stage and are many times useless for the maintenance stage of the composites. Composite manufactures are dedicating more and more resources on making their composites polishable. Gloss persistent Lucida is the missing piece and finally here !